List of Previous Speakers and Events
Following are some of the B'nai Shalom Children of Peace keynote speakers for the last few years, with a summary of their subjects. Click on the name for more information about that evening.
If you have heard one or more of them and have a little more information to provide about the talk or the cultural entertainment, please send summary to Or, send your own story to us !
Please also see the Historical Shofars (newsletters) page which contains more info and pictures of the speakers. We plan to merge the historical information with this information.
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Fall 2019 Dr. Trevan Hatch - The Talmudic Rabbi JesusThe Talmudic Rabbi Jesus: Making Sense of the Striking Similarities between Jesus and Rabbinic SageSpring 2019 Gale Boyd SLC - Gifts from Judaism to the Restored ChurchGayle's background and some messages that Judaism has given to Mormonism,
most of which we are not aware of as a Church. Gayle is the author of the Days of Awe, a popular study about the Passover and other festivals. for Church members. A lively discussion; See presentation on our YouTube Channel.Fall 2018 Garry H Boyle - A Loving Letter from God: Your Patriarchal BlessingSymbols and layers in your blessing that will keep it relevant and personal to you in the years to come as you see what God has in store for your futureOct 2018 Dr. Stephen D Ricks in SLC - Ancient TemplesSummary: Dr Stephen D Ricks gave an outstanding presentation. A page with text and pictures will be added. His presentation was recorded on video but not yet put on YouTube.Sept 2018 Dr. Jeff Bradshaw SeattleThere will be pictures and comments, and there will be a youtube video.April 2018 Dave LeFevre SeattleDave gave an outstanding presentation on the Dead Sea Scrolls. His presentation was recorded on video but not yet put on YouTube.March 2018 Lynda Cherry SLCWe started with a good sized dance lesson, lots of food, Daniel Smith's display, and Genealogy Corner with Mary Kozy (she's not a permanent fixture, unfortunately). 242 people attended!. Lynda captivated and totally inspired the audience with thoughts of seeing Christ and the festivals throughout the Book of Mormon, and seeing Christ in the festivals from end to end, in a progression. Oct 2017 Sister Lynda Cherry SeattleThe inspiration and significance of the Jewish festivals. Lynda captivated and totally inspired the audience with thoughts of seeing Christ and the festivals throughout the Book of Mormon, and seeing Christ in the festivals from end to end, in a progression. We started with a good sized dance lesson.Sept 2017 Dr. D. Kelly Ogden SLCDr. Ogden, an Emeritus Professor of Ancient Scripture, spoke on the history and status of the Jerusalem Center, beginning to end, with fascinating pictures and discussion on events that transpired. B'nai founder Daniel Rona was present.. April 29 2017 Lynda Cherry Seattle Lynda gave a captivating account of the Jewish Festivals and their significance to the restored Gospel; the LDS church, focusing on the Spring festivals. She will return in the fall to focus on the Fall festivals and add other testimony-building insights. March 30 2017 Dr Matt Bowen SLCJubilee gathering at 19th Ward Bldg. 148 people, including from Alaska, Kansas, Seattle, Arizona. Dr Bowen spoke on "What Thank Ye the Jews" scripture, many scriptures relating to Lord's attitude to Jews in long term.We elected Chelsea Woodruff to succeed Marlena Baker as President, with Julie Gardner as 1st VP and Daniel Baker as 2nd VP. Marlena is Secretary; Russell Spencer and Mitch Moling are added as board members.October 20 2016 Seattle - Dave LeFevreDave LeFevre with most interesting insight in a part of Jeremiah; talks about messages Jeremiah has for today's time, and why a Latter-day Saint should understand Jeremiah. Kim Cooney introduced Feast of the Trumpets with his shofar, followed by "HATIKVA" "The Hope", the official national anthem of Israel. LDS hymn sung in Hebrew. Great food.Sept 29 2016 - Kahlyle Bliss Mehr - SLCSee also Youtube:
The House of Israel as a Unifying Principle. Kahlile Bliss Mehr authored: Hearts Turned to the Fathers: A History of the Genealogical Society of Utah 1894-1994, Mormon Missionaries Enter Eastern Europe, and “Tracing Your Jewish Ancestors”. April 2016 - Pacific Northwest/Seattle - Mary KozyAn amazing musical performance by the Bateman family, followed by a wonderful engaging session on Jewish (and general) Genealogy and DNA, and testimonies.March 2016 - Brad Kramer - Salt Lake City Rabbinic methods of study applied to Book of Mormon. Ancient priesthood clothing. Great time!October 2015 Sister Leslie Rees at Seattle"Ye Have Been Hid - Finding the Lost Tribes of Israel", the result of 40 years of gathering. LDS Hymns in Hebrew. Kol Nidre. Kickoff of a film being produced, "Israel, Do You Know?", about Jews who have joined the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.Oct 1 2015 Professor Brent Top SLCExperiences and observations of the Jerusalem Center, how we can and should have "holy envy" of beliefs and practices of those of other faith traditions, and bonding together as family. He graciously fielded questions from the audience.April 2015 Sister Lynda Cherry at SeattleGreat attendance this time, great variety of foods, many from the Jewish recipes. Absolutely beautiful and haunting melodies from the Cleaver family. Emilee Brown lead the circle dance, with little one enjoying. Video is on the page.April 2015 Patricia Argyle in SLCSister Argyle gave a spiritual testimony
of her grandmother's murder in Auschwitz. She received a sudden
revelation there of forgiveness, a bestowal of peace that healed her
and her family of the grief and loss they had borne.Oct 2014 Clifford Holley in Seattle NorthwestA very spiritual talk. Attendance was hurt by the weather and certain activities the same night.October 2014 Bonny Harps and O Hakan Palm at SLC Sister Harps - her father, a brave Jewish Mormon pioneer. Brother Palm of Sweden- the unlikely union of his German SS father and his Jewish mother. 2014 Phil Ortega in Seattle NorthwestThe inaugural gathering of the Seattle/Pacific Northwest chapterApril 2014 Dr. Avraham Gileadi at SLCTurning the Hearts of the Jews to the Prophets and the Prophets to the JewsOctober 2013 Phil Ortega at SLCOf Messianic Jew background. A most humorous but informative and stimulating speaker.April 2013 Marlena MuchnickMore to God's Plan Her testimony as a Jewish Convert, how her conversion occurred.
About the temple, where we discover and grow our spirit.
About how we all come together as a family. Oct 2012- Gerald R Molen - Schindler´s ListAn Evening with Gerald R. Molen: About producing Schindler's List with Steven SpielbergApril 2012 Kevin HallSpoke about words and the Statue of ResponsibilityOct 2011 Lex de AzevedoMusic the Universal Language- Upbringing with Jewish neighbors and JobApril 2011 Daniel RonaOpportunity and Responsibility in our Heritage. Live feed showing the Wailing Wall in Jerusalem at night, and unique Jewish/LDS insights as only Daniel can!Oct 2010- Michael McLeanWith wife Lynne, their love for Israel, the blessing the Children of Israel have been in their lives.April 2010 Atty Gen Mark ShurtleffAttorney General of the state of Utah. Mormon and Judaic influence on law.Oct 2009 Darius Gray Genesis GrpA reflection of Humility and PatienceApril 2009 Alan SteeleScriptural connections, responsibilities of Israel (10 tribes, northern kingdom, Ephraim plus more) to Judah.Oct 2008 Liz Lemon SwindleLDS Artist, shared her paintings of Christ in the Holy LandApril 2008 Mindy JeppesenLearning to Study the Scriptures All Over Again: Gospel Doctrine, Rabbinic StyleOct 2007 Mark ParedesMormons and Jews in the Latter Days: A Zion Relationship. He lives in the LA area; his experiences working for Jewish organizations; Events and connectionsMarch 2007 Daniel RonaA special Seder Passover - a meal fit for a King, with Danel Rona - an Israeli, an American, a Mormon and a Jew. 40th anniversary of B'nai Shalom.Sept 2006 Andrew SkinnerFrom the Dead Sea Scrolls to the Da Vinci Code: What's of Value to Latter-day Saints. Election of OfficersMarch 2006 Dann HonePossible Language Origins, History Sept 2005 Karl Heinz-Schnibbe WWIIThe three LDS German teens who defied Hitler in 1941. Karl-Heinz was imprisoned several years in a concentration camp and four more years in a Soviet prison in Siberia. His amazing story of endurance and long suffering was inspiring. Note: Karl has passed away.March 2005 Marvin GoldsteinSept 2004 TestimoniesApril 2004 Gale BoydMessianic Imagery In The Jewish HolidaysSept 2003 Daniel C PetersonWhat has Athens to do with JerusalemApril 2003 Cleon SkousenLessons I've Learned From Life. He said a key difference is that milk eaters of the gospel only ask what to do next, while meat eaters also ask why.
"A few Saints get to the meat level," Skousen said. "The why and the how people are the ones that are really progressing in the gospel."
Why don't more get into the meat?
"Because most people aren't interested in meat." "There are some boring speakers. That's 'cause they get on milk and can't get off it. . . . It's the duty of everyone to be a good sacrament meeting speaker."Sept 2002 Daniel RonaApril 2002 Marlena MuchnickFall 2000 Donald W ParrySpoke on Isaiah Scroll of the Dead Sea Scrolls. He has authored or edited more than twenty-seven books - five deal with the writings of Isaiah, and has written and published more than eighty articles. Professor of Hebrew Bible and Dead Sea Scrolls at BYU, served as a member of the International Team of Translators of the Dead Sea Scrolls, a member of the International Organization for the Study of the Old Testament, Groningen, The Netherlands, Society for Biblical Literature, Atlanta, Georgia, and the National Association of Professors of Hebrew, Madison, Wisconsin; served as a member of the Board of Directors of Brigham Young University's Institute for the Study and Preservation of Ancient Religious Texts from 1987-2005April 2000 Hartman Rector Jr.Excavations of the City of Lehi. This link contains his history and links to his VERY inspiring testimony.Oct 1999 Conversion Stories NO PAGE 1998 LeGrand Baker See Shofar
He spoke on the Psalms being used in the ancient festivals, relevant to temples. "Who Shall Ascend Into the Hill of the Lord? The Psalms in Israel's Temple Worship In the Old Testament and in the Book of Mormon", a MOST interesting 770 page book.Fall 1997 Monte Nyman His topic was "Turn the hearts of the Jews unto the prophets and the prophets unto the Jews" from D&C 98:16-17Spring 1997 John WelchSee Shofar 1996 Jerome Horowitz NO PAGESee shofar 1995 Dr. Arnold Green - link to article by himShofar Speaking on the architecture of synagogues. The link is simply an article by Green about history of proselyting efforts. Fall 1994 George W Pace Our Savior's Promise to the Jews.
Shofar Rebecca and Stephenie Pace and David Rona sang Jerusalem of Gold. Ed Motola gave Intro. Closing by Charles Smith.Spring 1994 Victor LudlowSee Shofar 1993 Cleon SkousenSee Shofar 1983 John TvedtnesPerspectives of the Holy Land. Memoriam to our beloved Ruth Glick. Prelude: Mary Emrazian, Welcome: Sylvia Linford. Musical Review by "Musaic": Beckie Singley, Wayne Gilbert, Mary Emrazian, Linda Hansen, Carol Evans.April 1991 Dr. David GalbraithSubject: Personal Experiences in the Holy Land.
Widely written on Holy Land, first director of Jerusalem Center..PhD at Hebrew University in Middle Eastern studies and his wife completed her masters in Jewish studies.
Recent event. 1982 Roland WrightSee Shofar He was the former president of the New York mission and spoke about the Jewish proselytizing program in the mission fieldSept 1982 Wayne and LuRee Ottley NO pageSee Shofar Returned from Israel as church representatives
